the devil is in the details
the devil is in the details
Wei Li, Chih Han Chang, Chih-Che Lin, Ming-Fong Tsai, Yung Ping Lee, Chien-Hsing Chen, Ping-Fan Ho, Chien-Kuo Lai, Chih-Wei Huang, Der-Ren Liao, Chia-Yang Sun, Bi Ru Tsai, Shun-Chi Chang, Fong-Ren Lin, Hsiao-Hsin Hung, Hua-Yin Fang, Cheng-Yu Chiu, Pei-Han Ching
D.S.R.C.: Driving with Safety, Responsiveness and Courtesy!
The design of the D.S.R.C. system was inspired by the daily driving experience. Over the years, vehicle manufacturers have developed very limited tools/methods to help drivers communicate - turn signals, brake lights, honking and gestures, and so on. The lack of efficient and informative communication tools can lead to uncertain driving situations and result in accidents. To address such issues, we smoothly integrate three state-of-the art technologies - DSRC communication, a novel software-based dead reckoning algorithm capable of reducing positioning error by two meters, and an in-vehicle CAN busmonitoring scheme - to create a new communication model for everyday drivers. Drivers can send emergency warnings to others, and courteous "thank-you" messages can be sent back as acknowledgement. In addition, private honking and yield allow drivers to express their intentions more politely. With its highly integrated CAN bus scheme, this system can issue door unlocking/door-opening warnings to following vehicles to enhance driving safety. It can also issue alerts that remind local drivers to switch off their high beams when oncoming vehicles are approaching.
Wei Li, Chih Han Chang, Chih-Che Lin, Ming-Fong Tsai, Yung Ping Lee, Chien-Hsing Chen, Ping-Fan Ho, Chien-Kuo Lai, Chih-Wei Huang, Der-Ren Liao, Chia-Yang Sun, Bi Ru Tsai, Shun-Chi Chang, Fong-Ren Lin, Hsiao-Hsin Hung, Hua-Yin Fang, Cheng-Yu Chiu, Pei-Han Ching
D.S.R.C.: Driving with Safety, Responsiveness and Courtesy!
The design of the D.S.R.C. system was inspired by the daily driving experience. Over the years, vehicle manufacturers have developed very limited tools/methods to help drivers communicate - turn signals, brake lights, honking and gestures, and so on. The lack of efficient and informative communication tools can lead to uncertain driving situations and result in accidents. To address such issues, we smoothly integrate three state-of-the art technologies - DSRC communication, a novel software-based dead reckoning algorithm capable of reducing positioning error by two meters, and an in-vehicle CAN busmonitoring scheme - to create a new communication model for everyday drivers. Drivers can send emergency warnings to others, and courteous "thank-you" messages can be sent back as acknowledgement. In addition, private honking and yield allow drivers to express their intentions more politely. With its highly integrated CAN bus scheme, this system can issue door unlocking/door-opening warnings to following vehicles to enhance driving safety. It can also issue alerts that remind local drivers to switch off their high beams when oncoming vehicles are approaching.
the devil is in the details
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😆 | |||
the devil is in the details
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別這樣,自主開發又為國爭光沒啥不好。🙂 | ||||||||||||
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人家有丟了😇😇 | |||
the devil is in the details
(記者黃秀麗台北報導)裕隆集團旗下華創車電以整車自主設計研發持續深耕「AUTO+IT」創新研發,今年度與工研院共同合作投入車聯網結(Connected Vehicle) ,發展車載資通訊系統「ITRID.S.R.C.:Driving with Safety, Responsiveness and Courtesy」,以建立「車與車通訊標準語言」為主要核心,藉由WAVE / DSRC通訊協定,讓車與車進行雙向溝通。首次參加2012全球伽利略創新大賽(European Satellite Navigation Competition; ESNC) ,即從全球各地的參賽隊伍中脫穎而出,一舉榮獲創新大賽實作組冠軍,展現台灣汽車產業的創意動能與頂尖水準,成就汽車產業的「台灣之光」。
全球伽利略衛星創新大賽(European Satellite Navigation Competition; ESNC)是2004年由歐盟衛星相關領域協會發起,是目前全球最大規模以應用衛星為主題的世界級競賽,今年度共計24個區域、40多個國家參與、全球投件數達406件,創作大賽以「車網聯結」 (Connected Vehicle) 為競賽主軸,競賽作品需在符合車載專用短距離通訊息(Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments/Dedicated Short Range Communications,簡稱 WAVE / DSRC)規範下,結合衛星定位技術,發展創新應用服務技術。