4. 我在意的是商品品牌的定位問題, 或許這只是業務本身的行銷手法但其手法可能會讓潛在買家誤解甚至退縮. a. 一台300萬等級以上的商品, 大部份買家一定會精打細算的詢問車商有無任何優惠活動. 而不是一語以"現在銀行貸款利率很低"之類幼稚的商業術語帶過. 個人當下在想連賓利業務的對答態度也沒如此的犀利. b. 在賞車的過程裡, 有五分鐘的時間好像置身在法拉利的展示間. 因為該業務動不動就提起有購入此車的車主也同時是超跑的擁有者.....或許是吧....但大哥~今天我要的是台SUV而不是台水平對臥置中引擎的牛阿~馬阿~ c. 稍微提了一下那顆福特的引擎就......呵呵. 誰說福特的引擎不好......何必冷眼待之......
I am speachless when I start reading the note, it is a very warm, touch, and sweet note from a such beautiful gal (I especially like the way you note your name at the end :p). I can only express my thought and feeling with fewer words through photos I took with your warm gift, because I dont' think any word can express my feeling toward you.