
2016/06/30 04:36:08


#5905585 IP 129.161.*.* 修改過6 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2016/06/30 04:36:08

發文IP 129.161.*.*

根據這次GoodWood Festival駕駛BGP-001的Martin Brundle進行的Ross Brawn訪談影片來看,這部冠軍車仍然放在Ross Brawn的車庫裡。 [url="http://www.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/10326344/brawn-gp-back-in-action-with-martin-brundle-at-the-wheel"]http://www.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/10326344/brawn-gp-back-in-action-with-martin-brundle-at-the-wheel[/url]

2016/06/30 04:39:18

發文IP 129.161.*.*

根據這次GoodWood Festival駕駛BGP-001的Martin Brundle進行的Ross Brawn訪談影片來看,這部冠軍車仍然放在Ross Brawn的車庫裡。 [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC1thfvMA84[/youtube]

2016/06/30 05:21:07

發文IP 129.161.*.*

根據這次GoodWood Festival駕駛BGP-001的Martin Brundle進行的Ross Brawn訪談影片來看,這部冠軍車仍然放在Ross Brawn的車庫裡。 [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC1thfvMA84[/youtube] 另一篇Sarah Merritt訪問稿問到了重點: [url="http://badgergp.com/brawn-brundle-catch-goodwood-festival-speed/"]http://badgergp.com/brawn-brundle-catch-goodwood-festival-speed/[/url] Sarah Merritt: And this is the 002 chassis that is running, Jenson’s actual championship winning car? Ross Brawn: Yes, that’s right, the 002, the pukka championship winner. Jenson got the spare car and I got the proper one! 也就是說Jenson Button拿到了備用車,可能是BGP-001#003。

2016/06/30 05:29:44

發文IP 129.161.*.*

根據這次GoodWood Festival駕駛BGP-001的Martin Brundle進行的Ross Brawn訪談影片來看,這部冠軍車仍然放在Ross Brawn的車庫裡。 [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC1thfvMA84[/youtube] 另一篇Sarah Merritt訪問稿問到了重點: [url="http://badgergp.com/brawn-brundle-catch-goodwood-festival-speed/"]http://badgergp.com/brawn-brundle-catch-goodwood-festival-speed/[/url] Sarah Merritt: And this is the 002 chassis that is running, Jenson’s actual championship winning car? Ross Brawn: Yes, that’s right, the 002, the pukka championship winner. Jenson got the spare car and I got the proper one! 也就是說Jenson Button拿到了備用車,可能就是BGP-001#003。 最後Jenson Button也來到Brawn GP的車房來探班,算是此次GoodWood Festival最紳士的公關行程。 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_778289.jpg[/img]

2016/06/30 05:31:05

發文IP 129.161.*.*

根據這次Goodwood Festival駕駛BGP-001的Martin Brundle進行的Ross Brawn訪談影片來看,這部冠軍車仍然放在Ross Brawn的車庫裡。 [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC1thfvMA84[/youtube] 另一篇Sarah Merritt訪問稿問到了重點: [url="http://badgergp.com/brawn-brundle-catch-goodwood-festival-speed/"]http://badgergp.com/brawn-brundle-catch-goodwood-festival-speed/[/url] Sarah Merritt: And this is the 002 chassis that is running, Jenson’s actual championship winning car? Ross Brawn: Yes, that’s right, the 002, the pukka championship winner. Jenson got the spare car and I got the proper one! 也就是說Jenson Button拿到了備用車,可能就是BGP-001#003。 最後Jenson Button也來到Brawn GP的車房來探班,算是此次Goodwood Festival最紳士的公關行程。 [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_778289.jpg[/img]
根據這次Goodwood Festival of Speed駕駛BGP-001的Martin Brundle進行的Ross Brawn訪談影片來看,這部冠軍車仍然放在Ross Brawn的車庫裡。

另一篇Sarah Merritt訪問稿問到了重點:

Sarah Merritt: And this is the 002 chassis that is running, Jenson’s actual championship winning car?

Ross Brawn: Yes, that’s right, the 002, the pukka championship winner. Jenson got the spare car and I got the proper one!

也就是說Jenson Button拿到了備用車,可能就是BGP-001#003。

最後Jenson Button也來到Brawn GP的整備區來探班,算是此次Goodwood Festival of Speed最紳士的公關行程。



2015/02/13 15:53:04


#5660195 IP 92.141.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2015/02/13 15:53:04

發文IP 92.141.*.*

呃! McLaren 預算問題是我在搞笑請無視。 XD 主要是發現MP4-30的前翼和去年紅牛賽車RB-10的前翼長得也太像了。 為甚麼會這樣呢? 原來是紅牛的空力二把手 Peter Prodromou今年到任 McLaren。

2015/02/13 23:39:17

發文IP 92.141.*.*

呃! McLaren 預算問題是我在搞笑請無視。 XD 主要是發現MP4-30的前翼和去年紅牛賽車RB-10的前翼長得也太像了。 為甚麼會這樣呢? 原來是前紅牛的空力二把手 Peter Prodromou今年到任 McLaren。
McLaren 預算問題是我在搞笑請無視。 XD


原來是前紅牛的空力二把手 Peter Prodromou今年到任 McLaren。
前往討論:RED BULL 給你一對翅膀之MP4-30


2015/02/12 23:48:06


#5659577 IP 129.161.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
過去我們都以為 BRAWN GP是建立在 HONDA所留下的資產因而奪冠,
但是那具配置 HONDA引擎的 RA-109究竟長甚麼樣子?


圖上是f1technical論壇所揭露的 RA-109風洞縮尺模型。

圖中是BRAWN GP奪冠後在 Brackley基地的 Show Car。

圖下是Ross Brawn在 Inside Brawn GP這部影片的場景。

再對照BGP-001,可以發現在 HONDA退出之後,進氣口和 Side Pod為了對應 Mercedes-Benz FO 108W而修改,前翼思維也完全不同。


因此,BGP-001不等於 RA-109,甚至可以說是完全原創的 BRAWN GP!
前往討論:來看看Jenson Button的BGP001-02的近況


2015/02/12 16:24:25


#5659106 IP 129.161.*.* 修改過3 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2015/02/12 16:24:25

發文IP 129.161.*.*

BRAWN GP當年總共製造了三台比賽用車,另外三台測試用車,總共六具底盤。 依上述Matthew Somerfield部落格的說法,他拍攝當時的 BGP 001-02底盤是 Ross Brawn所有。 下面有一段影片是27th November 2013拍攝於 MGP Brackley基地的引擎運轉畫面, 發表者仍然註明此輛 BGP 001-02是屬於 Ross Brawn所有: [youtube]http://youtu.be/rCMmy2jKGsI[/youtube] 我尚未找到任何證據顯示 Button的車庫收藏了BGP 001-02的相關照片,反而找到一堆這具底盤還在 Brawn手上的資料。 只能說因為某種原因 Button決定不再提告了,這部史上唯一初次參賽就奪雙冠的夢幻座駕的歸屬,至今仍是個謎。

2015/02/12 16:25:01

發文IP 129.161.*.*

BRAWN GP當年總共製造了三台比賽用車,另外三台測試用車,總共六具底盤。 依上述Matthew Somerfield部落格的說法,他拍攝當時的 BGP 001-02底盤是 Ross Brawn所有。 下面有一段影片是27th November 2013拍攝於 MGP Brackley基地的引擎運轉畫面, 發表者仍然註明此輛 BGP 001-02是屬於 Ross Brawn所有: [url="http://youtu.be/rCMmy2jKGsI"]http://youtu.be/rCMmy2jKGsI[/url] 我尚未找到任何證據顯示 Button的車庫收藏了BGP 001-02的相關照片,反而找到一堆這具底盤還在 Brawn手上的資料。 只能說因為某種原因 Button決定不再提告了,這部史上唯一初次參賽就奪雙冠的夢幻座駕的歸屬,至今仍是個謎。

2015/02/12 16:26:05

發文IP 129.161.*.*

BRAWN GP當年總共製造了三台比賽用車,另外三台測試用車,總共六具底盤。 依上述Matthew Somerfield部落格的說法,他拍攝當時的 BGP 001-02底盤是 Ross Brawn所有。 下面有一段影片是27th November 2013拍攝於 MGP Brackley基地的引擎運轉畫面, 發表者仍然註明此輛 BGP 001-02是屬於 Ross Brawn所有: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCMmy2jKGsI[/youtube] 我尚未找到任何證據顯示 Button的車庫收藏了BGP 001-02的相關照片,反而找到一堆這具底盤還在 Brawn手上的資料。 只能說因為某種原因 Button決定不再提告了,這部史上唯一初次參賽就奪雙冠的夢幻座駕的歸屬,至今仍是個謎。

2015/02/12 16:27:42

發文IP 129.161.*.*

BRAWN GP當年總共製造了三台比賽用車,另外三台測試用車,總共六具底盤。 依上述 Matthew Somerfield部落格的說法,他2014年1月拍攝當時的 BGP 001-02底盤是 Ross Brawn所有。 下面有一段影片是27th November 2013拍攝於 MGP Brackley基地的引擎運轉畫面, 發表者仍然註明此輛 BGP 001-02是屬於 Ross Brawn所有: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCMmy2jKGsI[/youtube] 我尚未找到任何證據顯示 Button的車庫收藏了BGP 001-02的相關照片,反而找到一堆這具底盤還在 Brawn手上的資料。 只能說因為某種原因 Button決定不再提告了,這部史上唯一初次參賽就奪雙冠的夢幻座駕的歸屬,至今仍是個謎。
BRAWN GP當年總共製造了三台比賽用車,另外三台測試用車,總共六具底盤。

依上述 Matthew Somerfield部落格的說法,他2014年1月拍攝當時的 BGP 001-02底盤是 Ross Brawn所有。

下面有一段影片是27th November 2013拍攝於 MGP Brackley基地的引擎運轉畫面,
發表者仍然註明此輛 BGP 001-02是屬於 Ross Brawn所有:

我尚未找到任何證據顯示 Button的車庫收藏了BGP 001-02的相關照片,反而找到一堆這具底盤還在 Brawn手上的資料。

只能說因為某種原因 Button決定不再提告了,這部史上唯一初次參賽就奪雙冠的夢幻座駕的歸屬,至今仍是個謎。
前往討論:來看看Jenson Button的BGP001-02的近況


2013/05/16 00:30:57


#4905670 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


前往討論:車手駕駛技術風格上的差別 和在不同環境下的適應性討論


2013/04/01 23:57:28


#4828419 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2013/03/31 23:39:46


#4826480 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 hilllotus (a_fa) 所寫
回應 brightz (Brightz) 所寫
回應 hilllotus (a_fa) 所寫

1997 European Grand Prix嗎?
P1 J. Villeneuve
P2 M. Schumacher
P3 H-H Frentzen

找到了、不是哈克南沒錯,是 Villeneuve、Schumacher、 Frentzen3人同秒數🙂



2013/03/25 00:53:24


#4812936 IP 246.167.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2013/03/25 00:53:24

發文IP 246.167.*.*

Alonso賽後訪談: Fernando Alonso (DNF) “Today, unfortunately, we were very unlucky. After making a good start, I touched with Vettel at the second corner: it was a surprise to find him there, almost stopped and I don’t know what speed he was doing. Despite the fact the car was damaged, it didn’t seem to be too bad and, [color="#FF0000"]together with the team, we decided to keep going, because if we’d stopped immediately and then again on lap 3 or 4 to fit dry tyres, we would have dropped too far back and definitely lost the chance to finish up the front.[/color] It’s easy to criticise this decision, but at the time it seemed like the right one. It was certainly a shame, because here we could have fought with the Red Bulls, but circumstances didn’t help and apart from the wisdom of the decisions we took, bad luck really played its part, when you think how many off-track excursions there were in Australia without any consequence and even here when the cars first went out on track. Now we are already focusing on the coming races in China and Bahrain, where we hope to do better than last year, so that we arrive in Europe with as many points as possible.” 確實是沒有說明在當下是否有看到前翼觸地的火花,但是有表示不馬上進站的決定是和車隊一起做的決定。

2013/03/25 00:54:00

發文IP 246.167.*.*

Alonso賽後訪談: Fernando Alonso (DNF) “Today, unfortunately, we were very unlucky. After making a good start, I touched with Vettel at the second corner: it was a surprise to find him there, almost stopped and I don’t know what speed he was doing. Despite the fact the car was damaged, it didn’t seem to be too bad and, [color="#FF0000"]together with the team, we decided to keep going, because if we’d stopped immediately and then again on lap 3 or 4 to fit dry tyres, we would have dropped too far back and definitely lost the chance to finish up the front.[/color] It’s easy to criticise this decision, but at the time it seemed like the right one. It was certainly a shame, because here we could have fought with the Red Bulls, but circumstances didn’t help and apart from the wisdom of the decisions we took, bad luck really played its part, when you think how many off-track excursions there were in Australia without any consequence and even here when the cars first went out on track. Now we are already focusing on the coming races in China and Bahrain, where we hope to do better than last year, so that we arrive in Europe with as many points as possible.” 確實是沒有說明在當下是否有看到前翼觸地的火花,但是有表示不馬上進站是和車隊一起做的決定。

Fernando Alonso (DNF)
“Today, unfortunately, we were very unlucky. After making a good start, I touched with Vettel at the second corner: it was a surprise to find him there, almost stopped and I don’t know what speed he was doing. Despite the fact the car was damaged, it didn’t seem to be too bad and, together with the team, we decided to keep going, because if we’d stopped immediately and then again on lap 3 or 4 to fit dry tyres, we would have dropped too far back and definitely lost the chance to finish up the front. It’s easy to criticise this decision, but at the time it seemed like the right one. It was certainly a shame, because here we could have fought with the Red Bulls, but circumstances didn’t help and apart from the wisdom of the decisions we took, bad luck really played its part, when you think how many off-track excursions there were in Australia without any consequence and even here when the cars first went out on track. Now we are already focusing on the coming races in China and Bahrain, where we hope to do better than last year, so that we arrive in Europe with as many points as possible.”

前往討論:[轉貼]多梅:阿隆索不進站是車隊決定 我們想熬到換乾胎時


2013/03/25 00:27:51


#4812916 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 falonso2008 (阿龍索向前走) 所寫


啊哉,u-car直接送分。 XD😀
前往討論:恭喜 Marussia Bianchi 首奪 U-Car F1積分


2013/03/25 00:01:30


#4812877 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Pat Symonds 復出設計的 Marussia MR02 顯然強過 Caterham CT03,
看起來 Jules Bianchi 在法拉利車手學院也不是混假的。
前往討論:恭喜 Marussia Bianchi 首奪 U-Car F1積分


2013/03/24 22:21:46


#4812695 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 billzzzz (bill) 所寫
我只能說......連觀眾都看的出來磨出火花的前翼 已經不行了.......




前往討論:[轉貼]多梅:阿隆索不進站是車隊決定 我們想熬到換乾胎時


2013/03/24 21:39:11


#4812601 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Jules Bianchi 開 Marrusia 的第二場F1比賽就跑13th,確實厲害~
前往討論:恭喜 Marussia Bianchi 首奪 U-Car F1積分


2013/03/23 18:39:30


#4810869 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 falonso2008 (阿龍索向前走) 所寫
回應 hellokimi (hello kimi) 所寫

(但是基本上,還是看得出來法家兩個車手一個追求s1&s3 一個注重s2)


😰比安吉只差馬拉桑 0.6秒...

馬魯西亞 想說為了資金引他入門,想不到這小鬼這麼厲害..

沒有錯!我也是在關注 Marussia 的Bianchi,
前往討論:F1 2013 馬來西亞 排位賽 喇賽區


2013/03/22 21:44:15


#4810137 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Kimi Raikkonen #1 +50,000


2013/03/22 14:58:02


#4809514 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Bianchi在最後一次季前測試取代了贊助沒有到位的Luiz Razia,



2013/03/22 01:52:10


#4808429 IP 246.167.*.* 修改過4 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2013/03/22 01:52:10

發文IP 246.167.*.*

Pos. Driver Team lap Time 1 Kimi Räikkönen Lotus-Renault 56 1:29.274 2 Jean-Eric Vergne STR-Ferrari 50 1:29.498 3 Fernando Alonso Ferrari 53 1:29.560 4 Mark Webber Red Bull Racing-Renault 45 1:29.732 5 Lewis Hamilton Mercedes 45 1:29.759 6 Sergio Perez McLaren-Mercedes 46 1:29.926 7 Jenson Button McLaren-Mercedes 41 1:30.198 8 Felipe Massa Ferrari 38 1:30.239 9 Romain Grosjean Lotus-Renault 41 1:30.395 10 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing-Renault 42 1:30.409 11 Jules Bianchi Marussia-Cosworth 52 1:30.454 12 Valtteri Bottas Williams-Renault 42 1:30.652 13 Adrian Sutil Force India-Mercedes 49 1:30.710 14 Daniel Ricciardo STR-Ferrari 33 1:30.881 15 Paul di Resta Force India-Mercedes 56 1:30.894 16 Esteban Gutierrez Sauber-Ferrari 32 1:31.415 17 Max Chilton Marussia-Cosworth 49 1:32.210 18 Nico Rosberg Mercedes 18 1:32.259 19 Charles Pic Caterham-Renault 55 1:32.261 20 Giedo van der Garde Caterham-Renault 39 1:32.636 21 Pastor Maldonado Williams-Renault 12 1:32.915 22 Nico Hulkenberg Sauber-Ferrari 0 -:—.--- Jules Bianchi澳州站正賽最快圈速排名第11,僅以0.045秒敗給Sebastian Vettel。 這下有趣了~

2013/03/22 01:52:32

發文IP 246.167.*.*

Pos. Driver Team lap Time 1 Kimi Räikkönen Lotus-Renault 56 1:29.274 2 Jean-Eric Vergne STR-Ferrari 50 1:29.498 3 Fernando Alonso Ferrari 53 1:29.560 4 Mark Webber Red Bull Racing-Renault 45 1:29.732 5 Lewis Hamilton Mercedes 45 1:29.759 6 Sergio Perez McLaren-Mercedes 46 1:29.926 7 Jenson Button McLaren-Mercedes 41 1:30.198 8 Felipe Massa Ferrari 38 1:30.239 9 Romain Grosjean Lotus-Renault 41 1:30.395 10 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing-Renault 42 1:30.409 11 Jules Bianchi Marussia-Cosworth 52 1:30.454 12 Valtteri Bottas Williams-Renault 42 1:30.652 13 Adrian Sutil Force India-Mercedes 49 1:30.710 14 Daniel Ricciardo STR-Ferrari 33 1:30.881 15 Paul di Resta Force India-Mercedes 56 1:30.894 16 Esteban Gutierrez Sauber-Ferrari 32 1:31.415 17 Max Chilton Marussia-Cosworth 49 1:32.210 18 Nico Rosberg Mercedes 18 1:32.259 19 Charles Pic Caterham-Renault 55 1:32.261 20 Giedo van der Garde Caterham-Renault 39 1:32.636 21 Pastor Maldonado Williams-Renault 12 1:32.915 22 Nico Hulkenberg Sauber-Ferrari 0 -:—.--- Jules Bianchi澳洲站正賽最快圈速排名第11,僅以0.045秒敗給Sebastian Vettel。 這下有趣了~

2013/03/22 02:00:58

發文IP 246.167.*.*

Pos. Driver Team lap Time (1) Kimi Räikkönen =Lotus-Renault (56) _1:29.274 (2) Jean-Eric Vergne =STR-Ferrari (50) _1:29.498 (3) Fernando Alonso =Ferrari (53) _1:29.560 (4) Mark Webber =Red Bull Racing-Renault (45) _1:29.732 (5) Lewis Hamilton =Mercedes (45) _1:29.759 (6) Sergio Perez =McLaren-Mercedes (46) _1:29.926 (7) Jenson Button =McLaren-Mercedes (41) _1:30.198 (8) Felipe Massa =Ferrari (38) _1:30.239 (9) Romain Grosjean =Lotus-Renault (41) _1:30.395 (10) Sebastian Vettel =Red Bull Racing-Renault (42) _1:30.409 [color="#FF0000"](11) Jules Bianchi =Marussia-Cosworth (52) _1:30.454[/color] (12) Valtteri Bottas =Williams-Renault (42) _1:30.652 (13) Adrian Sutil =Force India-Mercedes (49) _1:30.710 (14) Daniel Ricciardo =STR-Ferrari (33) _1:30.881 (15) Paul di Resta =Force India-Mercedes (56) _1:30.894 (16) Esteban Gutierrez =Sauber-Ferrari (32) _1:31.415 (17) Max Chilton =Marussia-Cosworth (49) _1:32.210 (18) Nico Rosberg =Mercedes (18) _1:32.259 (19) Charles Pic =Caterham-Renault (55) _1:32.261 (20) Giedo van der Garde =Caterham-Renault (39) _1:32.636 (21) Pastor Maldonado =Williams-Renault (12) _1:32.915 (22) Nico Hulkenberg =Sauber-Ferrari ( 0) -:—.--- Jules Bianchi澳洲站正賽最快圈速排名第11,僅以0.045秒敗給Sebastian Vettel。 這下有趣了~

2013/03/22 03:32:35

發文IP 246.167.*.*

Pos. Driver Team lap Time (1) Kimi Räikkönen =Lotus-Renault (56) _1:29.274 (2) Jean-Eric Vergne =STR-Ferrari (50) _1:29.498 (3) Fernando Alonso =Ferrari (53) _1:29.560 (4) Mark Webber =Red Bull Racing-Renault (45) _1:29.732 (5) Lewis Hamilton =Mercedes (45) _1:29.759 (6) Sergio Perez =McLaren-Mercedes (46) _1:29.926 (7) Jenson Button =McLaren-Mercedes (41) _1:30.198 (8) Felipe Massa =Ferrari (38) _1:30.239 (9) Romain Grosjean =Lotus-Renault (41) _1:30.395 (10) Sebastian Vettel =Red Bull Racing-Renault (42) _1:30.409 [color="#FF0000"](11)Jules Bianchi =Marussia-Cosworth (52) _1:30.454[/color] (12) Valtteri Bottas =Williams-Renault (42) _1:30.652 (13) Adrian Sutil =Force India-Mercedes (49) _1:30.710 (14) Daniel Ricciardo =STR-Ferrari (33) _1:30.881 (15) Paul di Resta =Force India-Mercedes (56) _1:30.894 (16) Esteban Gutierrez =Sauber-Ferrari (32) _1:31.415 (17) Max Chilton =Marussia-Cosworth (49) _1:32.210 (18) Nico Rosberg =Mercedes (18) _1:32.259 (19) Charles Pic =Caterham-Renault (55) _1:32.261 (20) Giedo van der Garde =Caterham-Renault (39) _1:32.636 (21) Pastor Maldonado =Williams-Renault (12) _1:32.915 (22) Nico Hulkenberg =Sauber-Ferrari ( 0) -:—.--- Jules Bianchi澳洲站正賽最快圈速排名第11,僅以0.045秒敗給Sebastian Vettel。 這下有趣了~

2013/03/22 03:35:33

發文IP 246.167.*.*

(Pos.) Driver =Team (lap)_Time (1) Kimi Räikkönen =Lotus-Renault (56) _1:29.274 (2) Jean-Eric Vergne =STR-Ferrari (50) _1:29.498 (3) Fernando Alonso =Ferrari (53) _1:29.560 (4) Mark Webber =Red Bull Racing-Renault (45) _1:29.732 (5) Lewis Hamilton =Mercedes (45) _1:29.759 (6) Sergio Perez =McLaren-Mercedes (46) _1:29.926 (7) Jenson Button =McLaren-Mercedes (41) _1:30.198 (8) Felipe Massa =Ferrari (38) _1:30.239 (9) Romain Grosjean =Lotus-Renault (41) _1:30.395 (10) Sebastian Vettel =Red Bull Racing-Renault (42) _1:30.409 [color="#FF0000"](11)Jules Bianchi =Marussia-Cosworth (52) _1:30.454[/color] (12) Valtteri Bottas =Williams-Renault (42) _1:30.652 (13) Adrian Sutil =Force India-Mercedes (49) _1:30.710 (14) Daniel Ricciardo =STR-Ferrari (33) _1:30.881 (15) Paul di Resta =Force India-Mercedes (56) _1:30.894 (16) Esteban Gutierrez =Sauber-Ferrari (32) _1:31.415 (17) Max Chilton =Marussia-Cosworth (49) _1:32.210 (18) Nico Rosberg =Mercedes (18) _1:32.259 (19) Charles Pic =Caterham-Renault (55) _1:32.261 (20) Giedo van der Garde =Caterham-Renault (39) _1:32.636 (21) Pastor Maldonado =Williams-Renault (12) _1:32.915 (22) Nico Hulkenberg =Sauber-Ferrari ( 0) -:—.--- Jules Bianchi澳洲站正賽最快圈速排名第11,僅以0.045秒敗給Sebastian Vettel。 這下有趣了~
(Pos.) Driver =Team (lap)_Time
(1) Kimi Räikkönen =Lotus-Renault (56) _1:29.274
(2) Jean-Eric Vergne =STR-Ferrari (50) _1:29.498
(3) Fernando Alonso =Ferrari (53) _1:29.560
(4) Mark Webber =Red Bull Racing-Renault (45) _1:29.732
(5) Lewis Hamilton =Mercedes (45) _1:29.759
(6) Sergio Perez =McLaren-Mercedes (46) _1:29.926
(7) Jenson Button =McLaren-Mercedes (41) _1:30.198
(8) Felipe Massa =Ferrari (38) _1:30.239
(9) Romain Grosjean =Lotus-Renault (41) _1:30.395
(10) Sebastian Vettel =Red Bull Racing-Renault (42) _1:30.409
(11)Jules Bianchi =Marussia-Cosworth (52) _1:30.454
(12) Valtteri Bottas =Williams-Renault (42) _1:30.652
(13) Adrian Sutil =Force India-Mercedes (49) _1:30.710
(14) Daniel Ricciardo =STR-Ferrari (33) _1:30.881
(15) Paul di Resta =Force India-Mercedes (56) _1:30.894
(16) Esteban Gutierrez =Sauber-Ferrari (32) _1:31.415
(17) Max Chilton =Marussia-Cosworth (49) _1:32.210
(18) Nico Rosberg =Mercedes (18) _1:32.259
(19) Charles Pic =Caterham-Renault (55) _1:32.261
(20) Giedo van der Garde =Caterham-Renault (39) _1:32.636
(21) Pastor Maldonado =Williams-Renault (12) _1:32.915
(22) Nico Hulkenberg =Sauber-Ferrari ( 0) -:—.---

Jules Bianchi澳洲站正賽最快圈速排名第11,僅以0.045秒敗給Sebastian Vettel。


2013/03/21 14:09:53


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