Concept car that we are too old to drive? 我們開這種概念車是不是太老了? NO JOKE! 這不是開玩笑的! The new Ben z - Very different... .really different!.. .SCROLL DOWN... 這新型的賓士車─非常不一樣... .真的不一樣!...往下看下去...
This is the new Mercedes Ben z SCL600. 就是這輛賓士 SCL600.
This car is really different. 非常不一樣的車。
That's not what is different about it. 這還看不出不一樣。
That either.這也沒什麼。
And now for the 'really different' part... 真正不一樣的地方就要開始了...
Here is what is different... 看出哪裡不一樣了嗎
No steering wheel, you drive it with a joystick. 沒有方向盤,你用搖桿來駕駛它。 No pedals either. Can you drive with a joystick? 也沒有踏板。你可以用搖桿駕駛嗎? Your kids and grandkids probably can. The influence of video games in our lives has really arrived, wouldn't ya say? 你的孩子和你的孫子也許可以。 電玩在我們真實生活中的影響真的來了,不是嗎? SCARY THOUGHT THAT NOW A 7-YEAR OLD COULD STEAL YOUR CAR AND PROBABLY DRIVE IT BETTER THAN YOU... 現在一個七歲的小孩偷走了你的車不要大驚小怪, 可能他比你開的還更好呢...