Bruno Senna 進 Williams取得二號車手席位


2011/12/22 10:00:37


#3937580 IP 188.251.*.* 修改過2 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2011/12/22 10:00:37

發文IP 188.251.*.*

最新謠言, 可信度頗高 $$$$$$$$$$真的很重要 不過若成真, 算是明年第三個全菜鳥車隊 Bruno, 加油!! 消息出處: http://grandepremio.ig.com.br/formula1/2011/12/21/senna+fecha+com+williams+para+correr+temporada+de+2012+da+f1+diz+radio+10541720.html (看不懂西班牙文....[頭暈])

2012/01/17 16:16:35

發文IP 188.250.*.*

Bruno Senna與williams簽約.. 應該快要公佈消息了 Senna用超過老巴與Sutil的贊助取得這個席位 http://joesaward.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/the-new-williams-driver/ 目前車手席位, 應該只剩HRT的一席付費車手位置在搶 Alguersuari早先已經拒絕此機會 在有競爭力車隊當測試車手, 開星期五的賽車, 走Hulkenberg的路

2012/01/17 16:17:14

發文IP 188.250.*.*

(1/17更新) Bruno Senna與williams簽約.. 應該快要公佈消息了 Senna用超過老巴與Sutil的贊助取得這個席位 http://joesaward.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/the-new-williams-driver/ 目前車手席位, 應該只剩HRT的一席付費車手位置在搶 Alguersuari早先已經拒絕此機會 在有競爭力車隊當測試車手, 開星期五的賽車, 走Hulkenberg的路

Bruno Senna與williams簽約..



目前車手席位, 應該只剩HRT的一席付費車手位置在搶
在有競爭力車隊當測試車手, 開星期五的賽車, 走Hulkenberg的路

F1 2012車手大風吹


2011/12/09 11:11:28


#3910692 IP 188.250.*.* 修改過4 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2011/12/09 11:11:28

發文IP 188.250.*.*

updateㄧ下最新的車手爭奪戰 看來Grosjean成功闖入F1 已確認的名單 Red bull: Vettel + Webber Mclaren: Button+ hamilton Ferrari: Alonso + Massa(真沒力) Mercedes: Rosberg + Schumi Sauber: Kobayashi + Perez 機率很高的名單 Lotus: Kimi +[color="#FF0000"]Grosjean[/color] 最新消息, Senna應該被換了(還要再確認), 老法領隊最後還是選了個法國新希望    諷刺的是, Senna今天還在官網首頁被訪問    Force India: Di Resta + [color="#FF0000"]Hunkenberg[/color] Hunkenberg幾乎確定, Sutil雖有成績但看來後台很弱 STR: Alguersuari + [color="#FF0000"]Ricciardo[/color] Buemi想去Caterham取代Trulli Williams: Maldonado + [color="#FF0000"]Sutil[/color] 老巴好像沒地方去... Caterham: Trulli or[color="#FF0000"]Buemi[/color]+ Kovalainen Trulli簽了約但並不保證是正式車手約 HRT: de la Rosa + ????(ㄧ堆被刷下的車手都想搶) Marussia: Glock or [color="#FF0000"]Petrov [/color]+ [color="#FF0000"]Charles Pic[/color] Petrov取代Glock的機會愈來愈大

2011/12/09 11:29:09

發文IP 91.87.*.*

updateㄧ下最新的車手爭奪戰 看來Grosjean三年後再次闖入F1 已確認的名單 Red bull: Vettel + Webber Mclaren: Button+ hamilton Ferrari: Alonso + Massa(真沒力) Mercedes: Rosberg + Schumi Sauber: Kobayashi + Perez 機率很高的名單 Lotus: Kimi +[color="#FF0000"]Grosjean[/color] 最新消息, Senna應該被換了(還要再確認), 老法領隊最後還是選了個法國新希望    諷刺的是, Senna今天還在官網首頁被訪問    Force India: Di Resta + [color="#FF0000"]Hunkenberg[/color] Hunkenberg幾乎確定, Sutil雖有成績但看來後台很弱 STR: Alguersuari + [color="#FF0000"]Ricciardo[/color] Buemi想去Caterham取代Trulli Williams: Maldonado + [color="#FF0000"]Sutil[/color] 老巴好像沒地方去... Caterham: Trulli or[color="#FF0000"]Buemi[/color]+ Kovalainen Trulli簽了約但並不保證是正式車手約 HRT: de la Rosa + ????(ㄧ堆被刷下的車手都想搶) Marussia: Glock or [color="#FF0000"]Petrov [/color]+ [color="#FF0000"]Charles Pic[/color] Petrov取代Glock的機會愈來愈大

2011/12/22 09:54:40

發文IP 188.251.*.*

updateㄧ下最新的車手爭奪戰 12/22最新 已確認的名單 Red bull: Vettel + Webber Mclaren: Button+ hamilton Ferrari: Alonso + Massa Mercedes: Rosberg + Schumi Sauber: Kobayashi + Perez Lotus: Kimi + Grosjean Force India: Di Resta + Hulkenberg STR: Ricciardo + Vergne 機率很高的名單 Williams: Maldonado + [color="#FF0000"]Bruno[/color] 最新謠言!!! Caterham: Trulli or[color="#FF0000"] Petrov[/color]+ Kovalainen 最新謠言, 但我是希望Alguersuari可以卡到位 HRT: de la Rosa + ????(ㄧ堆被刷下的車手都想搶) Marussia: Glock or [color="#FF0000"]???? [/color]+ [color="#FF0000"]Charles Pic[/color]

2011/12/22 11:01:16

發文IP 188.251.*.*

updateㄧ下最新的車手爭奪戰 12/22最新 已確認的名單 Red bull: Vettel + Webber Mclaren: Button+ hamilton Ferrari: Alonso + Massa Mercedes: Rosberg + Schumi Sauber: Kobayashi + Perez Lotus: Kimi + Grosjean Force India: Di Resta + Hulkenberg STR: Ricciardo + Vergne 機率很高的名單 Williams: Maldonado + [color="#FF0000"]Bruno[/color] 最新謠言!!! Caterham: Petrov + Kovalainen 最新謠言, 但我是希望Alguersuari可以卡到位 HRT: de la Rosa + ????(ㄧ堆被刷下的車手都想搶) Marussia: Glock or [color="#FF0000"]???? [/color]+ [color="#FF0000"]Charles Pic[/color]

2011/12/22 11:01:51

發文IP 188.251.*.*

updateㄧ下最新的車手爭奪戰 12/22最新 已確認的名單 Red bull: Vettel + Webber Mclaren: Button+ hamilton Ferrari: Alonso + Massa Mercedes: Rosberg + Schumi Sauber: Kobayashi + Perez Lotus: Kimi + Grosjean Force India: Di Resta + Hulkenberg STR: Ricciardo + Vergne 機率很高的名單 Williams: Maldonado + [color="#FF0000"]Bruno[/color] 最新謠言!!! Caterham: [color="#FF0000"]Petrov [/color]+ Kovalainen 最新謠言, 但我是希望Alguersuari可以卡到位 HRT: de la Rosa + ????(ㄧ堆被刷下的車手都想搶) Marussia: Glock or [color="#FF0000"]???? [/color]+ [color="#FF0000"]Charles Pic[/color]


Red bull: Vettel + Webber

Mclaren: Button+ hamilton

Ferrari: Alonso + Massa

Mercedes: Rosberg + Schumi

Sauber: Kobayashi + Perez

Lotus: Kimi + Grosjean

Force India: Di Resta + Hulkenberg

STR: Ricciardo + Vergne


Williams: Maldonado + Bruno

Caterham: Petrov + Kovalainen
最新謠言, 但我是希望Alguersuari可以卡到位

HRT: de la Rosa + ????(ㄧ堆被刷下的車手都想搶)

Marussia: Glock or ???? + Charles Pic



2011/12/06 18:21:35


#3904560 IP 91.87.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
官網有個很有趣的統計, 貼貼看

今年804個超車中(已經扣除第一圈的超車, 另行分析)


這樣好了, 大家猜過再看答案

A. 起跑王/第一圈超車王


C. 總超車次數冠軍, 就是超車王冠軍

Answer A:


Answer B:

1.Perez=Buemi (82)
3.Button (77)
4.Webber (76)
5.Alguersuari (74)

Answer C:

1.Buemi (112)
2.Schumi (111)
3.Kobayashi (95)
4.Alguersuari (90)
5.Perez (89)



雷諾, 掰掰


2011/11/02 11:02:56


#3830008 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
明年Lotus Renault 跟 Team Lotus終於要正名
每次看到這兩隊名, 就一整個覺得奇怪

Lotus Renault --> Lotus

Team Lotus --> Caterham

雷諾雖然早就byebye, 但正式除名, 可見Lotus玩真的(其實私募基金持股比Lotus更高)
大小牛後, 終於出現大小花
兩隊資源可能會開始有些整合, 對小花是好事
至於大花, 希望成績不要一直向小花靠攏..

還有Virgin也要改名, but who cares.

Virgin applies for name change to become Marussia
By Jonathan Noble Tuesday, November 1st 2011, 13:15 GMT

Virgin Racing has become the third team to apply for a name change next season, after officially lodging a request to revise its chassis name to Marussia.

With Team Lotus and Renault both looking to change their titles next year, Virgin Racing has now lodged a request with the Formula One Commission to switch its name to its Russian sportscar partner.

Marussia joined the outfit as a sponsor last season, but for this year took on a much larger role with the outfit - as well as title sponsorship.

Keen to enhance its relationship further, Virgin Racing now wants to become known simply as Marussia. The change requires the support from 18 members of the 26-strong F1 Commission.

Despite the Virgin name no longer being part of the official team name, the company will still remain a partner for the foreseeable future.

AUTOSPORT understands that the Virgin logos will still feature prominently on the car, and Richard Branson's group of companies will continue to work with the outfit on future projects.

Team Lotus has applied to change its name to Caterham, while Renault plans to become known as Lotus.



2011/10/31 11:55:24


#3824900 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
地點: 大安森林公園 10.29
追焦: ㄧ隻夜鷺(不是很確定)
器具: 7d+ tamron 70-300




果然碰水, 硬生生少了一半

謝謝觀賞, 追焦生手, 還在努力學習中

"ㄧ個Move" 正式寫進F1 2012規則


2011/10/20 09:45:56


#3801436 IP 91.87.*.* 修改過1 次 (顯示最近筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2011/10/20 09:45:56

發文IP 91.87.*.*

今年比賽有幾個涉及racing line的爭議甚至碰撞, 所以FIA決定把車手手冊的"ㄧ個move"提升一個層級到規則內, 結合 racing line做較佳的爭議判斷 影響的會是.... 沒有"黃牌"的空間了, 阻擋的畫面會變少 恩, 你不會看到車手的纏鬥, 反正後車要讓前車 再結合DRS的假超車 F1真好看... 我只能確定, 你看F1睡著的機會又更高了 新聞來源轉貼自grandprix.com One-move rule to become part of F1 regulations A concrete definition of Formula 1's so-called 'one move rule' laid down by the FIA's Sporting Working Group is to be written into the 2012 Sporting Regulations. There has been controversy over whether, having moved to defend position, drivers are permitted to revert back to the ideal racing line approaching the following corner, or whether that constitutes a second move. The advent of the DRS (Drag Reduction Zone) and the greater speed differentials that the initiative has prompted, have increased the drivers' wishes for clarity. In Korea, Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg said: "From my point of view there have been several incidents in the last few races where drivers haven't had penalties and they should have had. I think it would be a very good thing to clarify that again, even more precisely, because it is a dangerous area. "If drivers are not leaving space for the guy outside, it could be a very dangerous incident. I think it is important and that should solve things, so it should be better for next year." Team mate Michael Schumacher, who prompted renewed discussion after his spirited defence against Lewis Hamilton at Monza, does not believe any clarification is necessary, however. "I think it's clear what you can and cannot do," Schumacher said in Korea. "It's just a point of view that the stewards may take, and we don't always have the same stewards. It's not always exactly the same incident or situation, so there is always room for interpretation. I don't think it's always possible to see things absolutely black and white."

2011/10/20 10:58:50

發文IP 188.251.*.*

今年比賽有幾個涉及racing line的爭議甚至碰撞, 所以FIA決定把車手手冊的"ㄧ個move"提升一個層級到規則內, 結合 racing line做較佳的爭議判斷 影響的會是.... 沒有"黃牌"的空間了, 阻擋的畫面會變少 恩, 你不會看到車手的纏鬥, 反正慢車要讓快車 再結合DRS的假超車 F1真好看... 我只能確定, 你看F1睡著的機會又更高了 新聞來源轉貼自grandprix.com One-move rule to become part of F1 regulations A concrete definition of Formula 1's so-called 'one move rule' laid down by the FIA's Sporting Working Group is to be written into the 2012 Sporting Regulations. There has been controversy over whether, having moved to defend position, drivers are permitted to revert back to the ideal racing line approaching the following corner, or whether that constitutes a second move. The advent of the DRS (Drag Reduction Zone) and the greater speed differentials that the initiative has prompted, have increased the drivers' wishes for clarity. In Korea, Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg said: "From my point of view there have been several incidents in the last few races where drivers haven't had penalties and they should have had. I think it would be a very good thing to clarify that again, even more precisely, because it is a dangerous area. "If drivers are not leaving space for the guy outside, it could be a very dangerous incident. I think it is important and that should solve things, so it should be better for next year." Team mate Michael Schumacher, who prompted renewed discussion after his spirited defence against Lewis Hamilton at Monza, does not believe any clarification is necessary, however. "I think it's clear what you can and cannot do," Schumacher said in Korea. "It's just a point of view that the stewards may take, and we don't always have the same stewards. It's not always exactly the same incident or situation, so there is always room for interpretation. I don't think it's always possible to see things absolutely black and white."
今年比賽有幾個涉及racing line的爭議甚至碰撞, 所以FIA決定把車手手冊的"ㄧ個move"提升一個層級到規則內, 結合 racing line做較佳的爭議判斷

沒有"黃牌"的空間了, 阻擋的畫面會變少

恩, 你不會看到車手的纏鬥, 反正慢車要讓快車
我只能確定, 你看F1睡著的機會又更高了


One-move rule to become part of F1 regulations
A concrete definition of Formula 1's so-called 'one move rule' laid down by the FIA's Sporting Working Group is to be written into the 2012 Sporting Regulations.

There has been controversy over whether, having moved to defend position, drivers are permitted to revert back to the ideal racing line approaching the following corner, or whether that constitutes a second move.

The advent of the DRS (Drag Reduction Zone) and the greater speed differentials that the initiative has prompted, have increased the drivers' wishes for clarity.

In Korea, Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg said: "From my point of view there have been several incidents in the last few races where drivers haven't had penalties and they should have had. I think it would be a very good thing to clarify that again, even more precisely, because it is a dangerous area.

"If drivers are not leaving space for the guy outside, it could be a very dangerous incident. I think it is important and that should solve things, so it should be better for next year."

Team mate Michael Schumacher, who prompted renewed discussion after his spirited defence against Lewis Hamilton at Monza, does not believe any clarification is necessary, however.

"I think it's clear what you can and cannot do," Schumacher said in Korea. "It's just a point of view that the stewards may take, and we don't always have the same stewards. It's not always exactly the same incident or situation, so there is always room for interpretation. I don't think it's always possible to see things absolutely black and white."



2011/09/16 18:02:06


#3714085 IP 252.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

首先, 去年被踢出來的di Grassi可惜了
我不知道他哪裡比Ambrosio, Ricciardo或Buemi差
至少也跟Senna與Maldonado同級(而Petrov略強, 贏在經驗)

Perez有倒吃甘蔗之勢, 這四仗排位都勝小林
de Resta是少見從DTM進F1的怪胎
還有Ricciardo也是Kubica從F3, 雷諾3.5直升F1的小學弟

看看這些GP2的前兩名, 90%鐵定會進F1(只有超過30歲才變強的Pantano沒人要)

但淘汰率也有30%...畢竟, 最高殿堂車手真的不好當
而有些沒有顯赫紀錄的車手進了F1..我就會歸類為關係好的, 或是後台硬的
像Buemi與幹掉di Grassi的Ambrosio都是這類
那兩個印度車手更是標準的民族英雄型, GP2都是倒著數, 或淪為A1車手

說到小林, 其實是toyota早安排好的棋, 雖然它只有在GP Asia還可以
但他自己很爭氣, 跑的還不差
但是這前3強, 或是算前4強車隊好了, 我認為出缺還輪不到他補
新生代車手老外普遍看好的是Sutil, Perez跟de Resta,甚至Ricciardo與Alguresuari

Bruno呢, 符合多數F3-> GP2前兩名 ->F1車手的路, 有人說他靠後台才進F1, 我不是很同意
應該說, 有後台讓他有更多的機會
當然, 要明年還可以在場上, 剩下幾場穩注, 應該機會很大

明年我覺得Liuzzi, Trulli, Buemi甚至我最不想說的老巴都危險了

Bruno Senna有些不一樣了


2011/09/13 23:56:24


#3705713 IP 248.96.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
先不要說他是否應該一直利用Ayton Senna的光環
從成績上來看, 目前開這台雷諾應該可以打75~80分
但若honda沒掛點, 其實他現在應該就是honda的二號車手

其實Bruno很慘, 舅舅Ayrton掛點後2年, 老爸也死在賽場上
所以不到10歲家裡就不讓他握方向盤了, 你幾乎看不到他玩卡丁車
18歲開始玩時, 因為卡丁車太小了還摔斷肋骨
後來Burger給他機會開F3, 他居然挺得住, 一位卡丁車都開沒多久的菜鳥

看看08 GP2的成績, 他也許非冠軍的料, 但絕對有競爭力

上面算 算目前在線上的F1車手應該有約6位, 全都曾是他的手下敗將

Bruno的頭盔聽說是 Ayrton 的小改版.....


F1 照片


2011/09/07 17:56:11


#3689897 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章




但嚴格來說, 卡丁車才是


兩台車撞毀, 撞他們的完賽, 不用懷疑, Sato幹的, 小黑算啥

左邊是? 沒錯 "小"巴

洗拿誰沒幹過, Schmi衝去pit幹DC其實是Senna調教的


單眼相機一直出現錯誤訊息, 怎麼辦


2011/06/01 11:02:41


#3418358 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


Canon 500D



2011/05/20 15:55:51


#3390276 IP 252.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

澳洲, 30次
馬來西亞, 70次
上海, 90次
土耳其, 112次

其中 因為DRS輔助的超車比重從第一站的17%上升到土耳其的36%

這其實不意外, 這只是前後車不公平的設定的結果, 賽季前我就預測過的
但是如葵大之前說的, 其實精采畫面沒有帳面上那麼多
因為DRS超車容易, 在減速彎前已超越的機會大

超車畫面變多, 居然碰撞畫面少了 或是說積極爭搶的畫面沒哪麼多

DRS IDS KERSD...?????FIA搞啥東東


2011/04/01 15:47:04


#3250647 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
最新消息, 可變尾翼..用力學來說是DRS(drag reduction system)規則很快就要改了
速度快到超乎想像, 規則中留的伏筆居然跑個三站就要用了..

FIA鑒於澳洲大賽DRS似乎效益不佳, 有了如此的改革計劃
說穿了, 就是要創造無限大的超車機會

IDS(Increase drag system)+KERSD(KERS Disabled)

就是後車啟動DRS時, 風阻減少增加了下壓力的同時
反正就是要搞到前後車超級的不平等, 增加超車機會



可變尾翼vs 失速尾翼?


2011/03/17 15:57:40


#3205624 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
不過KERS增加車重與安全顧慮, F-duct(或一些仿冒品)好像有效又不太有效

今年 我認為超車機會應該會增多, 且事故或是爭議也會變多

其實兩者對於直線的速度增加差異應該不是太大, 應該是10~15公里, 而可變尾翼可能效果稍佳
重點不在兩者對減少下壓力的多少比較 而在於前後車的不平等
F1這次的規則, 至少我有印象以來, 都沒有所謂後車有優勢的規則
就像我們玩一些賽車或是motoGP的遊戲, 有的都會設定後車會有速度上的優勢
當在直道時 前後車差1秒內, 後車可以提升個15公里的尾速...
老實說, 大家測試了這麼多, 應該還沒有人測試實戰時的可變尾翼
也就是說直線實戰近身肉搏時, 至少同車隊的車, 後車有絕對的優勢
我看F1這幾年用的所有增加F1精采度的方式(有幾站沒打瞌睡很難, 但是又是大咖無法取消)
都沒有用"不公平"解決來得快, 也就是後車比前車有優勢

不過, 去年你用KERS+F-duct時 是手腳並用
今年的KERS+可變尾翼都是用手操作, 手會不會很忙?
且若真的尾速都有提升個15KM, 在煞車點時兩車平行的機會應該不少..這樣...

若去年有可變尾翼, Alonso就不會在直道被俄國人擋這麼久, 冠軍有望
Vettel也不會跟webber搞個頭過身不過相撞(不過那裏好像不是大直道, 應該不能用可變尾翼)




2011/03/15 15:46:00


#3198841 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
今天真的太閑了, 下載些資料再加工作個統計

1 Michael Schumacher 91
2 Alain Prost 51
3 Ayrton Senna 41
4 Nigel Mansell 31
5 Jackie Stewart 27
6 Fernando Alonso 26
7 Jim Clark 25
8 Niki Lauda 25
9 Juan Manuel Fangio 24
10 Nelson Piquet 23
Damon Hill 22
Mika Hakkinen 20
Kimi Raikkonen 18
Stirling Moss 16
Lewis Hamilton 14
Jack Brabham 14
Emerson Fittipaldi 14
Graham Hill 14
David Coulthard 13
Alberto Ascari 13
Mario Andretti 12
Alan Jones 12
Carlos Reuteman 12
Felipe Massa 11
Rubens Barrichello 11
Jacques Villeneuve 11
Sebastian Vettel 10
Gerhard Berger 10
James Hunt 10
Ronnie Peterson 10
Jody Scheckter 10
Jenson Button 9
Denny Hulme 8
Jacky Ickx 8
Juan Pablo Montoya 7
Rene Arnoux 7
Mark Webber 6
Ralf Schumacher 6
Tony Brooks 6
Jacques Lafitte 6
Riccardo Patrese 6
Jochen Rindt 6
John Surtees 6
Gilles Villeneuve 6
Michele Alboreto 5
Giuseppe Farina 5
Clay Regazzoni 5
Keke Rosberg 5
John Watson 5
Eddie Irvine 4
Dan Gurney 4
Bruce McLaren 4

不用說, 前十名車手只有一位沒得過2次以上的世界冠軍...
是偉大評量的基礎, 基本上要夠格被討論, 兩次以上的世界冠軍應該是基本配備

分站冠軍次數 分站冠軍/總出賽
1 Juan Manuel Fangio 24 46.2%
2 Jim Clark 25 34.2%
3 Michael Schumacher 91 34.1%
4 Jackie Stewart 27 27.3%
5 Alain Prost 51 25.6%
6 Ayrton Senna 41 25.5%
7 Stirling Moss 16 23.9%
8 Lewis Hamilton 14 19.7%
9 Damon Hill 22 19.0%
10 Nigel Mansell 31 16.6%
11 Fernando Alonso 26 16.6%
12 Sebastian Vettel 10 16.1%
13 Niki Lauda 25 14.6%
14 Mika Hakkinen 20 12.3%
15 Kimi Raikkonen 18 11.5%
16 Nelson Piquet 23 11.3%
17 James Hunt 10 11.1%
18 Jack Brabham 14 11.1%
19 Alan Jones 12 10.3%
20 Emerson Fittipaldi 14 9.7%
21 Mario Andretti 12 9.2%
22 Felipe Massa 11 8.3%
23 Carlos Reuteman 12 8.2%
24 Ronnie Peterson 10 8.1%
25 Graham Hill 14 8.0%
26 Juan Pablo Montoya 7 7.4%

冠軍得很多, 當然跟出賽次數有關, 將次數考慮進來

竿位次數 竿位 /總出賽
1 Juan Manuel Fangio 28 53.8%
2 Jim Clark 33 45.2%
3 Ayrton Senna 65 40.4%
4 Michael Schumacher 68 25.5%
5 Lewis Hamilton 18 25.4%
6 Sebastian Vettel 15 24.2%
7 Stirling Moss 16 23.9%
8 Damon Hill 20 17.2%
9 Jackie Stewart 17 17.2%
10 Nigel Mansell 32 17.1%
11 Alain Prost 33 16.6%
12 Mika Hakkinen 26 16.0%
13 James Hunt 14 15.6%
14 Niki Lauda 24 14.0%
15 Mario Andretti 18 13.7%
16 Juan Pablo Montoya 13 13.7%
17 Fernando Alonso 20 12.7%
18 Rene Arnoux 18 12.1%
19 Nelson Piquet 24 11.8%
20 Ronnie Peterson 14 11.4%
21 Felipe Massa 15 11.3%
22 Jacky Ickx 13 11.2%
23 Jack Brabham 13 10.3%
24 Kimi Raikkonen 16 10.3%
25 Jacques Villeneuve 13 7.9%
26 Graham Hill 13 7.4%

拿竿位的能力, 最容易評量賽車手的速度
將出賽次數考慮進來, 似乎小黑跟Vettel還略勝Alonso

在C.竿位 /總出賽的分析, 看到Schumi,Hamilton跟Vettel在伯仲之間
但在B.中 Hamilton跟Vettel又差Schumi一截
這應該反映在車隊能力, 賽車的穩定性上, 這方面00~04年法拉利無人能及, 而RBR Mclaren.....
當然車手的穩定性也是其一, Senna的落差是因車手自己還是車隊, 我不是很確定?

去101看了Mercedes的125周年車展, 有一台1939年前F1時代的賽車, 但是在賽道上創下的399公里至今無人能破
至少在70年代之前的F1賽車都是沒有太多安全的防護, 開這些車真的像是在玩命
而Clark的完賽能力, 據說60年代無人能及, 雖然最近有Heidfeld..但是沒得過冠軍似乎也不會在F1歷史上留名

最弔詭的是, Schumi拿竿位能力不是最頂級, 但很會拿分站冠軍, 分站冠軍機率高於拿竿位機率甚多
在還在服役的車手中, 分站冠軍/竿位數比高居第一 Alonso居次

最偉大的車手 我當然投 Fangio跟Clark一票 但另一票我給Senna..
為何? 因為這三個人都作古了, 且後兩個是在賽道上...

增加巴塞隆納測試4天, 巴林站可能改至第18站


2011/02/22 10:10:39


#3136579 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
三月 8~11號增加4天測試, 巴林也可能只是延後不是取消, 改在阿布達比戰之前
沒錯, 商業利益還是要顧到的


雷諾簽下了Nick Heidfeld


2011/02/17 09:03:44


#3121739 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
發布消息了...good news
but it's bad for Kubica's recovery...kidding..

Renault confirms Heidfeld for 2011
16 February 2011
Lotus Renault GP has announced that Nick Heidfeld will be partnering Vitaly Petrov for the 2011 season, following confirmation of an agreement with the German this afternoon. Heidfeld will be replacing Robert Kubica, who continues to recover in hospital after a high-speed rally accident in Northern Italy.

Heidfeld had a positive test at Jerez last week, topping the timesheets during his sole day of running on Saturday. The Enstone-based squad has since confirmed his full-time presence for the upcoming campaign, with the 33-year-old set to undertake further testing duties at the next pre-season gathering in Barcelona.

"I would have liked to come back to Formula 1 in different circumstances, but I'm proud to have been given this chance," Heidfeld commented. "Everything has happened so quickly, but I've been very impressed by what I have seen so far in terms of the facilities and the dedication of the people at Enstone.

"I really enjoyed the test last week in Jerez and I've already settled in well with the guys at the track. I have a good feeling for the car, which is quite innovative. I'm extremely motivated and can't wait for the season to begin."

Team Principal Eric Boullier added: "The team has been through a very difficult couple of weeks and we had to react quickly. We gave Nick a chance in Jerez last week and he really impressed us. He's quick, experienced and is very strong technically with his feedback and understanding of the car.

"We always said the priority was to have an experienced driver in the car and we feel he is the ideal man for the job. We are pleased to welcome Nick to the team and look forward to a strong start to the season with him and Vitaly in Bahrain."

[轉貼]Kubica 說Liuzzi比Heidfeld快....無言


2011/02/16 14:38:27


#3119762 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
套句國外網友的話: 如果是這樣, 地球應該是平的
至少他在小車隊也沒比隊友強過 不算是多有talent的車手

當然會陰謀的想到若NH若開得不錯, 全身受傷復健的Kubica回得來嗎?
Kubica有很高的危機意識 但實在很難說服大家為何要Liuzzi??而不是NH
R31今年應該也算有競爭力的 有機會試著爭前3強
雖然謠言說雷諾因此還要再測試Liuzzi, 我覺得最終應該還是選NH, 我不認為車隊會挺Kubica到這種境界

Kubica would rather see Liuzzi replace him
Tuesday 15th February 2011, 20:48

Robert Kubica has said he'd prefer to see someone other than his ex-team-mate, Nick Heidfeld, in the R31 as his replacement for the 2011 season.

The Pole was involved in a horrific and rather unlucky rally accident which is likely to see him sitting out the entire season, no matter how fast his recovery is.

Despite his serious injuries, of which he is recovering from better than expected, he managed to reveal that he would rather see Vitantonio Liuzzi as his stand-in.

A source close to Crash.net says the one-time Grand Prix winner explained that he thought Liuzzi, whom is currently without a seat after being dropped at the end of last season, was a quicker driver than Heidfeld.

The German spent last Saturday testing the Renault R31 in Jerez, during which he posted the third quickest lap over the four-day test, just five tenths off the lead lap-time produced by Williams driver, Rubens Barrichello.

It's thought Renault are likely to opt for Heidfeld as Kubica's replacement, with an annoucement expected yesterday (Monday), however the delay of that announcement has led to speculation that Renault may be letting Kubica's wishes sink in and could possibly test Liuzzi at the upcoming Barcelona tests if they see fit.

No matter who Renault choose, we're set for an exciting season, a season which will no doubt miss Kubica's presence. For all the latest sports betting news for the upcoming year, check out BetUS.

[轉貼]Honda 考慮重回F1...


2010/10/12 15:02:39


#2702416 IP 91.87.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
主因就是因為2013年的新turbo引擎規定 80年代可是Honda Turbo引擎大放異彩的時代
honda引擎應該是在1988年幾乎拿下賽季所有賽場的冠軍 隔年F1就修改規則禁用turbo引擎
不過後來的NA還是延續了車隊五連冠 是本田宗一郎最驕傲的時期

之前1998年honda宣佈準備重回F1, 費時近兩年後在2000年起出賽
若要2013年回來 提前一兩年準備是應該的
董事會 想想天上的本田吧...不過先決條件是:


Turbo return set to entice another major player back to the grid?

As Porsche mulls over the pros-and-cons of an F1 comeback for the first time in more than two decades, another major manufacturer - one that departed the fray far more recently - could similarly be on the cusp of a return...
It seems Porsche is not the only major manufacturer interested in making a return to F1 should the proposed new turbocharged era materialise in 2013, with speculation that Honda – who only walked away less than two years ago – is similarly eyeing a potential comeback to the fray.

The possibility of Porsche being represented on the grand prix grid for the first time in more than two decades is to be debated at a Volkswagen board meeting early next month, and has ostensibly gained the support of influential F1 commercial rights-holder Bernie Ecclestone [see separate story – click here] – but Honda is an altogether more intriguing prospect.

The Japanese car maker became the first of a string of shock manufacturer exits from the top flight when it pulled the plug on its involvement in late 2008, lighting the blue touch paper that would see the likes of Bridgestone, BMW, Toyota and very nearly Renault all follow suit over the subsequent twelve months as the debilitating global credit crunch took a firm grip on the world's most expensive sport.

The catalyst for the departure was insufficient on-track return for the money invested into the Brackley-based outfit – which, somewhat ironically, would go on to clinch both the drivers' and constructors' trophies the next year as Brawn GP, following the wholesale sell-out to Ross Brawn.

However, with the proposal being for 1.6-litre, four-cylinder turbocharged units in 2013 and beyond – and Honda having achieved supreme success in the sport's previous turbo era back in the 1980s – it seems an about-turn could just be on the cards, with SPEED TV commentator and respected F1 journalist Will Buxton tweeting: 'Hearing a rumour that a certain Japanese engine maker wants to return if turbos come back in 2013. Starts with 'H', ends in 'onda'.'

Like Porsche, Honda has been involved in F1 – and achieving success at the highest level – since back in the 1960s, and it has been mused that the re-appearance on the grid of two of the sport's most legendary names and experienced competitors could shake up the order and, providing they are similarly successful again, set a whole different benchmark for new entrants to need to attain.

Schumacher 無法再回到以前...why?


2010/09/29 10:16:54


#2651822 IP 91.87.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

BBC的資深F1記者用深入分析的方式 結合數據 得到了些結論與建議
不得不說 Schumacher的賽道適應能力 解讀能力大不如前 競爭力也每況愈下 趨勢就是這樣 很難期待明年
如2010前半段賽事與Rosberg的排位平均差0.136 後半段賽事平均拉到0.359

這不是用Schumacher說的沒有front end grip就可以一語帶過的
對於一位有光榮戰績的車手而言 給予適度的關懷與尊重是一定要的
但是對於車隊而言 戰績才是最重要的
車手的反應力 適應力 對賽道的解讀能力持續下降 也許跟體能年紀有了關連
車隊為了戰績 keep him or not? 雖然Schumacher已有了3年約
而對於Schumacher而言 明年持續出賽當然是為了爭一口氣
但是他表現出的能力趨勢 真的很讓人擔心

Why Michael Schumacher will never be back to his best
By Mark Hughes
BBC F1 commentary box producer in Singapore

In the races, Schumacher has only 38% of Rosberg's points haul.

Splitting the season into the first seven races and the second eight, Schumacher qualified an average of 0.136secs adrift of Rosberg in the first 'half', 0.359secs in the latter 'half'.

If this set of statistics belonged to a rookie driver, it is doubtful whether he would retain his drive into the following season.

There is no question of Schumacher being dismissed but there must surely be serious questions about why he would choose to continue

In his Ferrari years, to see his first lap out of the pits through a corner such as Spa's Pouhon was to witness awe-inspiring genius that left you barely comprehending how what you had just seen could be possible.

He would commit totally to the blind exit, flat-in-top downhill entry corner, a down-change just after turning in and the car would be shuddering on the edge of adhesion, visibly faster than anything else - and Schumacher would make not a single further input because to do so would have sent the car off.

Sure, the Mercedes is way less competitive than most of his Ferraris were but do not forget he produced regular displays of genius in the outclassed Ferraris of 1996 or 2005.

Watching him around the Singapore streets, he looked much as he has done all year.

He can carry a lot of commitment and momentum into the entry of a corner, just like he used to, but between the turn-in point and the apex he is wrestling with the car, rather than feeling and anticipating it the way he used to.

There are more frequent displays of his raw car control than before - precisely because he is not ahead of the car, not anticipating the way he used to but simply reacting to it.

To the untrained eye it looks impressive but actually it is a signal of lack of feel - in much the same way that Vitaly Petrov, say, tends to look more spectacular than the much faster Renault team-mate Robert Kubica. Very rarely were two consecutive Schumacher runs through a Singapore corner the same last weekend.

With a grippy front end, he would previously get the car pointed early at the apex using his delicate feel to transfer the weight under braking and cornering, pivoting the car around so it changed direction early, with the minimum of steering lock.

The less steering lock, the less speed-sapping front-tyre scrub, the earlier you can get the car pointed at the apex, the earlier you can get on the power. These tyres do not allow you to drive in that way.

But in the past Schumacher has adapted brilliantly to understeering cars. He used to adapt his style corner by corner, lap by lap, to whatever was appropriate.
Fernando Alonso's victory in the first of the five deciding races of the season has fundamentally altered the dynamics of the title battle.

He was quite brilliant, for example, in how he could adopt a very aggressive style on his first lap out of the pits to get the tyres quickly up to temperature, then adopt a totally different style as the rubber came up to its correct working range.

Schumacher is keen to try the 2011 Pirelli control tyres, especially on next year's car.

Should that combination give him the front end he says he needs, would the magic return? It would surely improve his performance but why would it see him return to his previous level?

The driving style was a mere expression of a level of feel and balance - a miraculous combination of inner ear sensitivity to lateral accelerations and the co-ordination of that with his limbs - that was on a different level to anyone else's.

His 2010 performances have revealed that sensitivity is dulled now and that his adaptability is not what it was. If he cannot be what he once was, could he bring himself to continue regardless?

Mark Hughes has been an F1 journalist for 10 years and is an award-winning author of several books

Heidfeld 要回F1了


2010/09/13 10:37:10


#2585397 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Heidfeld可能可以提前回來了.. 最快在新加坡站
Heidfeld要讓他們知道 實力才是真正的後盾
他的穩定性真的無人出其右 2008年全部完賽創F1紀錄(當然這BMW p86引擎功不可沒)
看看之前Massa跟他搭檔時 怎樣的明顯對比 這樣都可以去法拉利
Kubica跟他搭檔時 成績也只是跟他伯仲之間 但現在也算是明日之星了
Heidfeld這樣的車手沒法跑F1 真是沒道理 33歲也不是太老吧

Kobayashi + Heidfeld算是有競爭力的組合了
不過我對於 BMW Sauber-Ferrari 車隊的名稱一直很納悶
雖然這是concorde agreement所致..

真懷念有BMW Honda引擎的時代...對了 我[不小心]漏了toyota

[轉貼]Heidfeld linked with Sauber return

By Jonathan Noble and Dieter Rencken Sunday, September 12th 2010, 18:15 GMT

Nick Heidfeld is on the verge of an early return to Formula 1 this season, AUTOSPORT has learned, with sources suggesting that he is close to a deal that could see him drive for Sauber from the Singapore Grand Prix.

The German has been on the sidelines this year, having originally been test driver for Mercedes GP before recently assuming the development role for Pirelli.

However, sources have suggested that Heidfeld is now close to agreeing a deal that could see him back in a race seat for the next event in Singapore.

It is understood that if a deal is agreed then Sauber may move Pedro de la Rosa aside for the final flyaway events - with Kamui Kobayashi's place at the team secure now that he has a contract with the outfit for 2011.

Team principal Peter Sauber declined to say anything about the situation when asked in Italy on Sunday.

"I do not wish to make any comment about our drivers," he told AUTOSPORT.

Heidfeld has spent seven seasons in total racing for Sauber, during two separate spells. He competed for the outfit between 2001 and 2003 and then from 2006 to 2009.

De la Rosa returned to F1 this season after three years on the sidelines, and has scored six of the team's 27 points.

[轉貼]林書豪將返台 與姚明台北打球


2010/07/27 09:57:39


#2364235 IP 252.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

先別評論是不是台灣培育出來的 這傢伙比日本的田臥勇太這個只打了4天NBA的純度與展望性都更佳
看看這個台裔的 怎麼技術可以這麼好? 看看台灣這些球星怎麼對抗它?
籃球是怎樣紮根? 看看美國是怎樣把一個台灣人變成NBA球星?

林書豪將返台 與姚明台北打球
更新日期:2010/07/27 07:51

上周甫簽約舊金山金州勇士隊(Golden StateWarriors)的林書豪,今天首度以美國職業籃球聯盟(NBA)職業球員身份出席活動。








2010/07/20 10:05:04


#2336498 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

Red Bull boss promises driver parity

By Jonathan Noble Monday, July 19th 2010, 11:53 GMT

Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz insists that Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel have been, and will continue to be, treated absolutely equally by his Formula 1 team - even if there is a risk that the policy costs his team the title.

With Red Bull Racing having been engulfed in a 'favouritism' storm over the front wing controversy at the British Grand Prix, the outfit has spent the last week calming the situation down.

Following talks between Webber and team principal Christian Horner in Milton Keynes last week, the Australian admitted that he had spoken out too much in venting his frustrations in public after the event - but said it was time to move on.

Now Mateschitz has spoken at length for the first time about the fallout from Silverstone - and made it clear that he has always demanded that both Webber and Vettel be treated equally.

When asked by German newspaper Kleine Zeitung why he does not believe Red Bull Racing should install a number one, Mateschitz said: "Because this philosophy is not keeping with my understanding of racing.

"You cannot just program a champion. Our two drivers know that they have to beat a) the other and b) they still need each other to take away as many points as possible from the competition."

Mateschitz said that it was vital the team does not interfere in the driver rivalry – after admitting that the front wing situation in Silverstone was a unique circumstance.

"If you ask me today who will be champion, I say one of our two drivers," he said. "But the pits must not interfere, because then the problems begin in earnest."

He added: "We do not have a number one and a number two driver. Both drivers have cars to exactly the same standard. The problem with the new wing at Silverstone was the first exception."

When it was put to him that letting both drivers continue to race head-to-head on equal terms opened up the risk of letting one of the team's rivals through to win the title, Mateschitz said: "I think it is unlikely, but I would not rule it out. And if it should happen, my God we are talking about racing.

"The image of blood, sweat and tears is not by chance."

Mateschitz confirmed that he was not consulted by the team about the front wing choice before qualifying, and said the matter had become such a big story because it was communicated incorrectly both internally and to the media.

He also refused to criticise Webber for speaking out about the situation post-race – which was first highlighted when the Australian said over the radio: 'Not bad for a number two.'

"It was unnecessary but on the other side, Mark has done nothing wrong."

When asked if it would be better for the team to gag the drivers, he said: "Such a thing would not be our style. Everyone can tell the truth – which is one of the highest virtues of Red Bull."

就是說這兩位車手會被公平對待 且車隊沒有一號或二號車手 等等的官話
他說銀石戰的前翼事件是個公平對待的"例外" 因為一些車隊溝通媒體的錯誤解讀??
不過對於webber的不平之聲 Mateschitz沒有多說啥麼 只是說webber並沒有做錯

另一篇文章說到超挺Vettel的顧問Marko 就是那位土耳其碰撞後先跳出來說webber不是的傢伙
還是說這鼻翼的決定是很logical很有邏輯的決定 就是誰積分高 GY Honer也是這麼說
所以Webber就丟下一句化 基本上就是說 希望車隊follow這邏輯..呵呵
有趣了 看德國站了 還是RBR正在趕工另一句鼻翼 以免....



2010/06/22 19:16:06


#2238174 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


去新社 千萬別漏了這個美麗到不行的花園



2010/06/22 11:19:20


#2236666 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
周日天氣晴 正逢碧潭龍舟賽決賽...



喜歡這張 每個人都有表情

最近很有名的台北縣消防局帥哥團 媒體追逐的焦點
不過最後還是敗給全國第一的隊伍 要出國去亞運拿金牌




2010/06/02 09:21:51


#2169606 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

我認為面對網路上一面倒 83%認為是vettel的錯誤 紅牛不得不收回之前的言論
Christian改口了 說是racing incident
為了車隊的和諧 你也不得不這麼做
看兩位車手的EQ了 以目前的車況 兩人如此的競爭還會有很多 看怎麼處理了


Red Bull accepts collision 'a racing incident'

Red Bull admits that Mark Webber wasn't to blame for the collision between its drivers in Istanbul and that it was a 'racing accident'
Red Bull Racing has moved to retract previous comments suggesting that Mark Webber was to blame for the collision between its two drivers in the Turkish Grand Prix, with team principal Christian Horner stating that it was a 'racing accident'.

Team advisor Helmut Marko had been the most vocal supporter of Sebastian Vettel following the incident while the pair battled for the lead in Istanbul despite the vast majority of onlookers blaming the German; who turned across Webber as he attempted to take the lead.

In a question and answer released by the team, Horner admitted that Red Bull 'wins and loses as a team' and the incident wasn't solely down to either driver.

“What we expect from our drivers, as team mates, is that they show respect for each other and allow one another enough room on the race track,” he said. “Unfortunately neither driver did this on Sunday and the net result was an incident between the two. During the previous six one-two finishes we have achieved, there have been many incidences of close racing between our drivers and they have previously always abided by this understanding.

“Ultimately we win as a team and we lose as a team and on Sunday we lost as a team, as a result of our two drivers having an incident. Having looked at all the information it's clear that it was a racing accident that shouldn't have happened between two team-mates. After looking at all the facts that weren't available immediately after the race, Dr. Marko also fully shares this view.”

The Q&A, which can be read in full HERE, also confirms that Webber had been forced to swap to a leaner fuel mixture before Vettel - which accounted for the difference in speed between the pair – and insists that no orders were given to either driver when it came to changing position.

Horner also confirmed that the team will sit down to discuss what happened and that neither will be give preferential treatment through the remainder of the campaign.

“We're a very strong team and we will sit down and discuss this openly with the drivers in order to learn from what has happened and avoid a situation like this arising again,” he said. “One of the strengths of Red Bull Racing is the team spirit here, which has contributed to the performance that we have achieved so far this season. The drivers are both intelligent individuals and this issue will be resolved prior to the Canadian Grand Prix.

“I have spoken with both drivers, who are both disappointed with what happened. They recognise that they represent the team and so are not only disappointed for their own loss, but the loss of points for the team who put in so much hard work before the race.

“Both drivers, as has always been the case, will continue to be given equal treatment. The Turkish Grand Prix has been a costly lesson for both drivers and we are confident that this situation won't happen again.”

Takuma Sato F1神風特攻隊回憶錄 + Indy again


2010/05/17 18:30:44


#2112492 IP 91.87.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
沒辦法 我太愛sato了

Sato頂Shumi的經典畫面 其實其來有自

德義日雖然二次大戰時同一陣線 但其實不爽彼此很久了

2002 德國Heifeld 狂撞 日本Sato, 此仇怎能不報

2004 Sato向同門的Ralf展開復仇 我頂....

隔年2005再二次復仇搞Shumi, Shumi當時可能是說: 你頂完我弟又搞我, 你是哪根 莖 不對勁阿



最經典的超車就是2007 vs Alonso
請注意是用一台super aguri 超過一台 mclaren

超不過, 好的下場是這樣, 差點又是Truli

不過, 大家也知道Sato最擅長的就是放煙花了
(其實這才是F1車隊不讓他跑的主因, 最貴的引擎沒多久就會被他玩掛)
2004 摩納哥賽, 連爆缸都可以讓人翻車, Sato真有你的

到了Indy, Sato的神風攻勢還是不死, 但撞的不是尼米茲, 撞到大和號了....


歐元跌不停 歐洲車呢?


2010/05/12 11:54:55


#2097213 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

恩 車商說因為去年歐元漲所以忍痛吸收匯兌損失
看這一年的圖 應該跌的比較多吧

車商的匯兌收益多回到口袋 匯兌損失多轉嫁消費者
反正 一個願打一個願挨嘛
不過 也總要有個聲音讓他們好歹調個價格少轉些匯差吧
除了車價外 匯價一定也賺不少



2010/05/04 17:33:22


#2074717 IP 252.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
值得一看 也可再看
一共5區 起碼也要看個2~3區吧
但是一天的行程除非你發揮行軍的精神 不然應該只能看一區

算一算一張門票不到1000元台幣 真的很划算

完全沒打算去中國館看 跟中國人擠我穩輸
我去了C片區 沒去A片區

其實有些小館也蠻好逛的 只要你能發揮國家的特色 也是可以贏得尊敬 像匈牙利

像法國 西班牙 德國 阿酋 瑞士等館除非你時間真的很多去排個1~2個小時才進得去
這是西班牙 排隊的人早就繞了好幾圈

法國館聽說運來了7件國寶 用了七架飛機運來 分散風險

加拿大館也是很具巧思 這是他們展館的一小部份

入園不得攜帶食物飲水 裡面的食物價格應該跟歐美的水準一樣
這號稱波里尼西亞來的ice cream...一球30元....人民幣!!!

不過園區裡的各國食物都有 基本上大國的館都有賣自己國家的餐點
建議穿拖鞋去 不要台灣藍白鞋啦
對於台灣館 雖然我沒去(因為去也排不到 一天才4000人名額)
雖然聽起來像是爆滿 其實是因為館體太小所致
就算每天都滿 世博會期間能參觀的人次也有限 不像法國等一天參觀人數就是台灣的十多倍



2009/07/20 18:35:57


#1212971 IP 91.87.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
月初照到的 跟了一下.....當然是前面紅燈才跟得到



2009/05/15 14:54:22


#1025785 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
只有去年穿雨鞋就不會跑的massa failed

這一仗我一直只對賽前的花絮有興趣 應該是美女如雲吧
去年老巴在這從倒數拼到前幾 算是印象比較深刻的(還有kimi撞sutil的經典鏡頭)

策略上是 輕油載拼竿位?




2009/04/14 15:01:57


#970752 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
寒兜陸(方向盤 ) 這個好笑~


一上車就發現--哇靠!....我的寒兜陸 ( 方向盤 ) 呢?


X的 XXX XXX 現在的小偷真是奇怪,沒把車偷走,卻把我ㄉ寒兜陸幹走!


























然後...... (我第一次看到警察發飆.....)




回:啊.......................!!!!! (見笑死§§§§)

澳洲馬來西亞都過了 支持的車手有沒有改變呢?


2009/04/06 09:29:32


#960069 IP 91.87.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
這樣跟去年不同的戰力狀況 支持的車手有沒有改變?

去年: 老巴
今年: 還是老巴

只是去年支持一個戰績不是很佳的車手 真的很孤獨

2008 Singarpore 汽車銷售 by 品牌/車型


2009/04/01 10:22:53


#952857 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
看到大大貼的美國2008銷售 覺得蠻特別的
每次去新馬都覺得日本車與雙B超多 就找到去年銷售資料

這比例上...雙B的車真的是多 Lexus倒不很受青睞
根據估計 2009年的honda將是新加坡的銷售總冠軍

2008 car sales by class

Compact cars

1. Toyota Vios 3,936
2. Mitsubishi Lancer EX 2,980
3. Honda Jazz 2,235

Small cars

1. Toyota Corolla Altis 5,069
2. Nissan Latio 3,067
3. Mitsubishi Lancer GLX 2,660


Medium cars

1. Honda Civic 5,663
2. Hyundai Avante 2,348
3. Mercedes-Benz C-class 1,172

altis被列為小型車 而civic是中型車

Big cars

1. Toyota Camry 2,626
2. BMW 5 Series 1,398
3. Mercedes-Benz E-class 1,349

camry是一支獨秀 有沒有賣accord阿

Luxury cars

1. Mercedes-Benz S-class 848
2. BMW 7 Series 298
3. Lexus LS 158

Small MPVs

1. Mercedes-Benz B-Class 231
2. Mitsubishi Colt Plus 173
3. Hyundai Matrix 41

Large MPVs

1. Honda Stream 2,297
2. Toyota Wish 995
3. Honda Odyssey 808

倒是覺得台灣的honda應該要引進 odyssey 跟 stream


1. Honda CR-V 840
2. Subaru Forester 554
3. Suzuki Grand Vitara 405

Coupes, convertibles and roadsters

1. BMW 3 Series Convertible 222
2. BMW 3 Series Coupe 191
3. BMW 1 Series Convertible 110

Station wagons

1. Chevrolet Optra Estate 120
2. Subaru Legacy Wagon 57
3. Volvo V70 28

Figures exclude parallel imports

Brawn GP拿冠軍的啟示


2009/03/30 10:11:58


#949407 IP 252.9.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
有網友說法拉利是因為失去這些好的領導者 導致如今的問題
所言甚是 從Brawn GP拿冠軍 似乎可以重新思考
引擎/車架+風力套件/車手/車隊領導 對於F1成績的重要性高低
基本上 也沒人會懷疑honda引擎的馬力
雙巴車手 因為一台爛車 能力就被弱化了
放棄修改07年的爛車架 讓Brawn主導09年 找BMW風力設計大師

車手能有好成績 2成天賦 但8成都是車的問題
老巴嗆法拉利 不只是出一口被Shumi壓了好幾年的怨氣
其實也是在跟其他車手說 你們真的沒啥麼
若沒有Shumi 當時老巴在F1也幾乎是最強的車手
特別是Massa 這同國巴西人 其實大家想想有比老巴好嗎? 只是年輕
重點是 06換了他就沒有跟Shumi的競爭問題 小老弟一個
06年法拉利的車隊策略運用完全有問題 反正massa covers shumi 沒有怨言

若有機會 老巴一定很想開著Brawn GP 跟shumi開法拉利拼一下

而Kimi 變為2號車手 要自己想一想 車隊似乎沒有錯
而法拉利領導錯的更離譜 07~08因為有台競爭力強的車 還ok的車手當然可以維繫車隊榮耀
如今 手中的Massa穿雨鞋就不太會跑 Kimi似乎已顯疲態 管理階層一一離開
從Brawn GP的一步一腳印 看其他大車隊的operation
不得不對於Ross Brawn打心底的敬佩 (williams公爵也是的 貢獻F1幾十年)
我想honda應該在思考買回車隊了..不過.... double the price!!
原來 F1場上真正的主角 其實並不是這些口水戰連連的車手



2009/03/27 10:28:30


#944567 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


雖然只是第一次的練習調教 但可以稍微看出個6成的實力了

Honda Freed 1.5升 8人座minivan....


2009/03/18 15:47:52


#928735 IP 188.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

以Fit底盤為基礎,稱得上Fit Minivan版的Freed,上市至今只有在日本當第生產製造,銷售則多為右駕國家,然而HONDA為了尋求更低的成本來提高獲利,且東南亞國家對於多人乘小型Minivan需求量大,遂決定將Freed導入印尼進行在地化生產,並將目標鎖定在泰國、馬來西亞、泰國等市場。

在印尼屬於HOND最大合作夥伴的PT HONDA,對於東南亞國家的耕耘不遺餘力,然而觀察市場對於多人座小型Minivan的需求不小,這類型車款佔有率高達4成之多,且NISSAN、TOYOTA、DAIHATSU的小型Minivan在東南亞多有不錯成績,因此HONDA決定導入2008年五月才在日本發表的Freed到印尼生產製造,並外銷到泰國、馬來西亞、泰國及菲律賓等市場。


本以為國產率為0 但南亞也要開始賣了...
經濟不景氣 小車當道

2年後買車..你會考慮汽油,柴油, 還是hybrid油電車?


2008/08/07 17:47:41


#573507 IP 188.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

無論油價 或是環保考量
應該會導致hybrid的需求大增 (目前好像是柴油車需求上揚)
各車廠都大幅的增加油電車的預估 honda好像要在未來2年增加9倍廠量

因此量產就會有規模經濟 導致價格下跌
量產就會有規模經濟 導致價格下跌

我是想要跳開柴油車的選擇, 這樣對嗎?
我覺得一台車是要開個5年7年 總要看遠一點